Porter’s Five Forces

27 March 2010

الخمس المقومات الي ابتكرها البروفسور مايكل بورتر هي اداة لتحلل جاذبية المجال التجاري وهذي ادق التفاصيل

Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors

This tool was created by Harvard Business School professor, Michael Porter, to analyze the attractiveness and likely-profitability of an industry. Since publication, it has become one of the most important business strategy tools. The classic article which introduces it is “How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy” in Harvard Business Review 57, March – April 1979, pages 86-93.

لنتعلم هذي الاداة جمعت لكم ملفات مهمه ومسهله لتتعلمون كيفيه استخدام هذي الاداة مع بعض الامثله
والله يوفقكم

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